However, I also experienced bad thing when he is disloyal to me. I know how it feels when you put high hopes on someone then you get disappointed. I know how painful it is to lose all of your hopes in one second or in singe moment. I know how can a relation be to someone before its just lost that way. But do you know why did you get disappointed in such relationship? You got disappointed because you were confident, you got disappointed because you thought that you deserve what you were going after, you got disappointed because you were having good expectations. About your attractiveness; you got disappointed because you are strong!!Just think of it, in case that you were one hundred percent sure that you won’t get it, would you have felt disappointed? Off course not, only the confident gets disappointed in relationships.
How to deal with relationship disappointment?
After you knew that you are a confident and an optimistic person, its time to learn how to get over relationship disappointment, the following practices will help you deal with your feelings of disappointment:
After you knew that you are a confident and an optimistic person, its time to learn how to get over relationship disappointment, the following practices will help you deal with your feelings of disappointment:
- He is not the one: one of most popular myths among people is believing that there is something called “the one”. If you had just a basic knowledge about the psychology of falling in love you would have knew that anyone having similarities to your “one” could be the one. You may even find someone who is better than your one, your mind just searches for certain traits, when it finds them in someone you may fall in love with him, so not finding someone other than your “one” doesn’t mean that he was the one, It just means that you didn’t meet the other person yet and that you may meet him any time soon. Don’t cry for the one, there are lots of other ones out there.
- Attachment can delay your recovery: the more you will attach yourself to that person (after the relationship is over) the more you will find it harder to get over the relationship disappointment. Attaching yourself in nothing more than having hope that he will return back, hearing music that reminds you of him and going to the same places you used to go to with him. Am not asking you to lose hope am just asking you to make sure if there is a hope or not, and if not cut the attachment as soon as you can(see the stages of recovery and how to make them shorter)
- Think of the future: what do you think the effect this event will have on you ten years later? probably It will be nothing!! it will Just be some memories with almost no associated emotions, know that in most times you correctly get rid of your attachment you will recover and become stronger than before and in the future this event will only be a part of your experience database.
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