Hello my friend, i have not write in my blog for a couple of days. I have been very busy with my work and also my preparation for wedding. Very stressful. So i cannot think anymore. i dont have any idea to write in my blog. Hoever, today i would like to talk about healing from broken heart.
It sounds trite, but there's always something you can learn from every experience. Often it's the seed of a current or past "failure" that fuels you to the very success that you've always dreamed of. Past relationships give you a clearer picture of what you want and what you don't want in a relationship if you take the time to examine them.
It's the power of contrast that living in an unfulfilling relationship may give you. When i was in my secondary school, i'm falling in love with one guy. Honestly, that is my first love. When i was with him, i really can feel how strong is love. At that time, we always thinking about our family, planning about knid, planning about career and many more. We share a lot of thing. However, after 4 years, after the break-up, I realized that this relationship had taught me and that it wasn't a "failure."
This relationship had helped me to define the type of partner i would really resonate with--someone who was on a similar spiritual path, and someone i could have a deep connection with.
My partner left me because of career. He left me in a third year of our relation. At that time, i was 16years old. He join Malaysia International Shipping Corporation(MISC) and need him to be one of crew in MISCs' ship for many month.
I learned to bless the relationship and let it go to make room for the type of partner I wanted to be with and let him to find a more appropriate mate.
I learned that my relationship wasn't a "failure" because of what it taught me about myself and his life- what i wanted and what i didn't want in a relationship.
People come and go in our lives. Some people are with us for a brief instant, for five days or for fifty or more years. The impact of these relationships on our lives can all be great.
Sometimes we don't understand why we are involved with someone in a particular relationship or why someone has such a hold on us. We don't understand why someone comes into our life for a brief time and then leaves. I really suffer when my fiancee cheating on me for many times until i cannot count. But now, i take it as my past experienced. I dont want to experience it anymore. What is happened is teach me to be more appreciate to myself.
What we've learned is that if a relationship isn't working out, it is not a bad thing or a failure that our society likes to label it. It just may be that you have learned what it is that you were supposed to learn by being in a relationship with that other person and it's time to move on to other "lessons."
We're not suggesting that you take your relationships lightly and throw them away at the first sign of conflict.What we are saying is that the purpose of all relationships is to help us to grow--personally and spiritually. Even the relationships that are the most troubling to us can be gifts in learning more about ourselves.
So instead of looking at a relationship that didn't work out the way you had hoped as a failure, I suggest you look at it as a growth experience and move forward consciously by learning from it.
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